How not to be a dick on dating apps or to drag queens

Publish Date
Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 5:03AM

Guess who's back?!

After far too long away, Kita and Anita are popping back for a bonus episode all about how not to be a dick.

The two reunite to discuss 'DMs that give the icks', people asking questions that they don't realise might be offensive, and the growing antagonism towards drag queens - all proudly bought to you by the Burnett Foundation Aotearoa. 

Check out the full 'don't be a dick getting dick' video at @burnettaotearoa TikTok and help fight HIV stigma.

Follow Kita:@kitamean on Instagram@kitamean on Twitter@kitameanofficial on TikTokFollow Anita:@anitawiglit on Instagram@anitawiglit on Twitter

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